So don't say yr gdbyes, you kw it's btr tht way..

TP can be really disturbing at times:
The notice for outstanding library charges is a new service that we have just activated due to feedback and requests for members to be alerted on overdue charges. This notice will be sent regularly on a monthly basis.Our library records show that you have total outstanding charges of $: 0.30

(.......) Lol. It's damn frustrating la. Anyway, I've been oweing them for more than a year alr? Lol and I haven't paid a single cent. Oh, correction. Is LiXian whom owe them the money! :x haha, she didn't return her books on time. That's why.

Seehua can be disturbing at times too:
Jolene says (4:53 PM):
yay by 25th i will get a new hairstyle
Jolene says (4:54 PM):
Jolene says (4:54 PM):
.fluffy - says (4:54 PM):
.fluffy - says (4:54 PM):
u gona shave ur head??
Jolene says (4:56 PM):
dumb no
.fluffy - says (4:56 PM):
Jolene says (4:56 PM):
try shaving yr head one day b4 yr birthday
Jolene says (4:56 PM):
i'll give u money
.fluffy - says (4:56 PM):
.fluffy - says (4:56 PM):
no way man
Jolene says (4:56 PM):
Jolene says (4:56 PM):
.fluffy - says (4:57 PM):

HAHA. And there are still many countless times where she really disturbs me. ZZZ. I hope you are reading this. LOL. I hope you shave your head darling. (: So yes, I'm going to NOT shave my head. If I were to be skin-headed, you can see me disappear from your life. I'll extinct myself. Bwahaha. New hairstyle... Hmmm.... Had long hair all my life.. what if it was short? Uhhh..... My mother hates me with short hair. BAHHH. Maybe cut something like gf. LOL YOU DOLL(: You look so cute, meet me up soon man, I so wna see your hair. BWAHAHA. Okay, side-tracked. So yessss, I'll cut something crazy perhaps, and I'm going to trust my hair stylist for once. S: Everyone loves surprises right? (x Stay tuned..

Anyway. I've been home alone lately. Nobody's home. Eerik's in BMT. Jayjay's pathetic, under confinement. So lil sister's home alone.. HMM ): I don't wna talk to my maid either. HAHA woops. So I'm only waiting for mummy to come home every night.. Dad? Errr.. I don't really care.. S: Everyday.... just watching my holidays pass by.. Waiting for work, waiting for band and waiting for friends to ask me out X: haha. If not ya.... I'll be reading novels, talking to myself.. Coming here.. Sigh. I wna restring the guitar as soon as I get my pay.. I've chucked it aside for God knows how long.. Now I need to find it. Oh where the hell it went??? Sheeeesh. Okay, so I still do have things to do even at home. BYE(:

tell me to stop thinking, please...?


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